Floral skirts and dresses

Skirts and dresses

I’ve used the Wenlan blouse pattern from Burdastyle to make this bib dress before and really loved the result. This time I use the pattern again to make these floral bib dresses. The fabrics are so pretty with tiny floral patterns on them, they also look and feel like Liberty fabrics. I added a few pleats on the top of the sleeves and let the raw edges shown.

In the technical drawing of the top, I saw that the sleeves are on top of the lower skirt part. I got a bit confused reading the instructions, so I just did it my way and sewed the sleeves to the bib before the bib part is attached to the skirt part. It worked! The neckline and armholes are finished with binding strips. These dresses are size 6, so they are not as fitted as my previous bib dress.

Blue floral bib dress Blue floral bib dress

Red floral bib dress Red floral bib dress

The bib part is patchworked cotton lace fabric, they were bought already stitched together like that. The fabric is very thin and transparent, but I didn’t line it because I like the transparent effect this time. These dresses are so light and flowy!

Blue floral bib dress Blue floral bib dress Blue floral bib dress

Red floral bib dress Red floral bib dress Red floral bib dress

I also made two paper bag skirts with pink and grey floral fabric. The fabric has tiny white flowers embroideries all over them, giving more weight to the fabric. I think this effect is perfect for a gathered skirt like this. I used the same technique as this skirt for making them. Making paper bag skirt is  so quick and easy with pretty result!

Floral paper bag skirt Floral paper bag skirt

Floral paper bag skirt Floral paper bag skirt Floral paper bag skirt Floral paper bag skirt

Actually I also took some pictures to make a tutorial for the side seam pockets. But the floral pattern was so distracting that the stitches couldn’t be shown. I think it will be better to use plain fabric to make a tutorial, please be patient! I’m sorry!

There is an Artist market in Yokohama next month, and I will be sharing a booth with Kayo and Chie, that is why I’m making all these summer clothes. I was going to make something with batik, but it turned out that I don’t have enough fabric. Well, actually there are some pretty vintage batik from my mom, but she only allows me to use them for myself. I hope you’re not bored with all these florals, there are still tons of them in my stash so more will be coming!

Bib dress pattern is altered from Wenlan blouse from Burdastyle
Paper bag skirt is made using this tutorial.

34 Responses to Floral skirts and dresses

  1. Ah! I couldn’t take any more verypurpleperson envy (everything you make is so stunning!), so I whipped up a paper bag skirt this morning using your tutorial. 😉 Many thanks for the inspiration. I’ll post it on the Flickr group.

  2. Oh, so bad Japan is that far away, I would love to come to this artist market. Sounds fun. I always visit such markets in my area, but visiting one in Japan sounds so great too!
    The floral dresses look great, so great for summer!!

  3. I don’t know which I like better..the first gray stiffer Wenlan pattern or these florals! I’m not tired of florals…so keep them coming!
    By the way, I’m thinking of attempting to make your wallet tutorial (I need a new wallet!)…& was wondering..what kind of fabrics do you recommend for them?..If I use home decor fabric, will I still need to use interfacing? Thanks a bunch!

  4. B E A U T I F U L!!!!! I am in love wit this floral skirt! And you look gorgeous as always!! Great!!! have a lovely weekend with your boys!

  5. You look stunning, as always. Those florals are not boring at all, especially when you make garments like these with them. I’m afraid I would look completely ridiculous in a bib dress, but on you it’s absolutely beautiful. Good luck with the market!

  6. cute dresses.. I don’t recognize that it’s from wenlan’s pattern.
    I’ve made something look a like this dress for my daughter but with burdafashion free pattern, the sleeves are different. would you make a tutorial or a how-to attach the sleeve? Thank You.

  7. another fabulous post! love the floral dresses and skirts! also love that you’re wearing your golden oxfords. they look great! i’ve ordered my two-tone ones. yay!

    • Oooh the two-tones! I’m thinking of them too! I wear my oxfords everywhere, they’re so comfortable!

  8. OH my gosh, I loveeee the paper bag skirts! Where in the world did you get that gorgeous Liberty-like fabric? I’m making one of these for summer, right away!!!

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