Émilie Simon!


Last weekend we went to Tower Records Shibuya to buy Émilie Simon‘s newest album, The Big Machine,  and watch her mini show there! She’s a French singer and composer, if you ever watched the movie La Marche de l’empereur (March of the Penguins), she’s the one who composed the original soundtrack. My husband and I love her music, so we were very excited when we heard she was coming to Tokyo. In the clip above, she was singing ‘Flowers’ from her first album, it was the song that made me become a fan in the first place.

Emilie Simon Emilie Simon

The mini show was awesome as expected, the audience was small but very appreciative, no hysterical groupies or anything. I like it that everyone just wanted to watch and hear the music. We got in line to for the CD signing session after the show, and my husband took a picture of Sidra and me with Émilie Simon. My husband is a big fan too, but he was a bit shy, so no photograph of him with Émilie. Unfortunately Sidra was not very impressed with the music, he was like this (-.-). Well, since he enjoys Michael Jackson and Queen, Émilie Simon might be a bit too delicate for his taste.

Emlie Simon!
She's so pretty!

Here’s a music video of her song ‘Dreamland’ from her newest album:

[amazon_enhanced asin=”B002G4FQCU” /]

8 Responses to Émilie Simon!

  1. Hello!

    I’ve only just discovered your blog but I am also on Burda Style so have seen your work there… Bravo! you are very talented!
    I cannot resist to say that I am french and have been a very big fan of Emilie Simon since her early days (I have seen her play in my home town, Lyon and in Montreal). I am glad you liked her show, she is a brilliant artist and you are very lucky to have caught her, I live in the UK now and she does not come here…
    Thank you for the tutorials and inspiration
    All the best, Charlotte

    • I felt very lucky indeed to be able to see the mini show! I wish I can go to her concert or bigger show someday :)

  2. Very nice show dear Purple! I haven’t listening to Émilie Simon before. New French music is very sweet indeed. I enjoy Olivia Ruiz and also Camille. Now I glad I got to know Emilie.
    Did you notice her feet’s finger nail? Orange and Fluor, cool. Nice green dress and hat too
    Sidra face is so cute, child’s spontaneity is beautiful.
    Wishing you and your family a week full of joy!

    • I noticed the nails too! It seems orange nails are pretty in fashion right now, I see them everywhere here!

  3. I often read your blog, but i didn’t know that you like Emilie Simon. It’s nice suprise for me, because I love her music.
    And I can’t wait for a new dress or something that you will make. Good luck!

  4. I’m glad you had a nice day out — poor Sidra! The last photo really brings out the -.- ness. But I compliment him on his taste for Queen.

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