Seven years old!

He is seven today!
Nana sai otanjoubi omedetou! – Mama+Papa

Seven years old! Seven years old!

Seven years old! Seven years old!

20 Responses to Seven years old!

  1. Sidra is only seven? I thought he was older. Wise kid. The Michael Jackson stuff, the drawings, the Q&A’s with mama… Well, congratulations to both parents!

    • Thank you! Yeah, he’s just turned seven and also the youngest in class. Sidra looks bigger in pictures, people who meet him often commented that he turned out a lot smaller than they thought :)

  2. thanks for the answer! i thought it was some kind of… “super sleeping bag”. I once knew a girl that had this sort of huge sleeping-bag, super chubby, and it was her bed. and, of course, it was not a sleeping bag to go camping.
    anyway, i could totally sleep in sidra’s bed. looks so comfortable. where i live it’s supposed to be autumn now, but, well, it’s still very hot. i need cold cold wheater, so i can hide myself beneath thousands of blankets!! i hate hot wheather!

  3. Happy Birthday Sidra! wow his bday is 1st April?
    My son just turned 1 yesterday, too!!
    7years of motherhood and fatherhood !! amazing :)

  4. Happy birthday, Sidra! Such a nice awakening, legos are cool!
    (I can’t wait my daughter to grow up to play together with legos :) )

  5. happy birthday sidra!!!
    and, WOW, I’m amazed by sidra’s “bed”. i’ve never seen something like that. looks so comfortable and warm! I love it! could you please show us some pictures? hahaha, i’m so excited about it!

    • Hahaha the bed are just futons and mattresses on the carpeted floors topped with bunch of comforters and blankets. It’s very messy but comfortable 😀

  6. Happy birthday Sidra!!! Wow, 7 years!!!

    Congratulations to you Nolita, this is your day too!!
    Have a lovely day!!

    P.S. My MacraMe owls came yesterday- so cute!!!

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