Things I did in another time of my life

I often got questions about diagrams and drawings that I made for my tutorials, how I make them and what kind of software that I use. Actually I always use CorelDraw, a vector software similar to Adobe Illustrator. It is a drawing program, and not really for pattern drafting. I use it because it’s the one that I’m familar with.

Me in 2004, having a headache because of the deadlines

In my previous life, sometimes I made illustrations for women’s magazines. I like drawings, but I’m not really good with manual drawing. I wish I can just swift brushes and watercolour like my husband, but I’m always too clumsy and everything will be messed around. Drawing with computers are cleaner and simpler, you don’t need anything else but a computer, a mouse, and maybe a cup of coffee by your side, and there’s always that undo button if you make a mistake. I used to work at night doing the illustrations and drank too much coffee. I don’t do those things any more, working at night, the illustrations and the coffee. I kinda missed them sometimes.

There are times that I want to draw again. But then I find it hard to draw when I don’t have assignments and deadlines. And there’s always other things that I need and want to do. Oh, so many interesting things in the world that I want to do! I want to sew, knit, crochet, draw, paint, decoupage, learn to make resin craft, I want to make pretty and cute things. But oh so little time.

So these are some of my old girls. Miss you all!


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19 Responses to Things I did in another time of my life

  1. I have just discovered “VeryPurplePerson”. Thank you for being unselfish and for sharing so many patterns. May many blessings be yours!

  2. I love your drawings. I saw them once in your flickr, and I was astonished!
    I’m from Argentina, and I’m currently studying to become a fashion designer. I don’t know about other places, but here in Buenos Aires (I study in a public university, and the best here)the career is overwhelming. Classes are really long, plus aaaaaaaaall the things you have to do as “homework”. It’s exhausting. Last year I slept so little time. I was awake night after night trying to get everything done in time. I drank so much coffee that the last days of classes I could barely stand it, I had really strong stomach aches.
    Thing is, I don’t bother being a night owl, but last year really stressed me out. I spent 15 of 30 minutes crying with angry frustration, I wouldn’t sleep – therefore I could not think very well. Now everytime midnight is coming and I haven’t finished my work, angst overwhelms me, and I get really stressed. I would be the new pavlov’s entertainment!!!!

    hahahaha, I’m a lost case!

    • I remember that! I was a fashion student a long time ago. We were a bunch of sleep-deprived students, spending time together browsing fabric shops or in the sewing room. Everyone had bad stomach from too much coffee and smoking. Oh that was so much fun.

  3. WOW! Your talents are endless!! Those are really great illustrations, ever thought of submitting to microstock sites? I know what you mean about not enough time – I also want to do everything, sometimes all at once! and it can be frustrating when you can’t :( If only sleep wasn’t so important I’d be working all night!!!!

    • Aww it means a lot coming from a professional like you!
      I know that feeling about sleeping, sometimes I even feel guilty after taking a nap!

  4. You do such thing too? Wow! I am so amazed! They are great quality and design!
    I have Adobe illustrator, and had never used it before. Now I wanna try something like you do too!!!

    • You should try, Kayo! I’m sure you will come up with fun and colourful drawings just like all your creations! I love vector drawings, the lines are so simple and clean.

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