My truly honest scrap

[Honest Scrap AwardStill no new sewing projects. I’m so sorry, these last few days have been so cold I stay in the living room most of the time, curling in the couch like a spoiled cat.

But here’s an ‘Honest Scrap Award’ that Trudy from ‘Sewing with Trudy’ has awarded me recently. Thank you, Trudy! Sorry for taking so long to reply!

The rules for this award are pretty simple:

  1. Thank the person who awarded the prize, mention their blog and give the link.
  2. Share ‘Ten Honest Things’ about yourself.
  3. Present this award to seven others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
  4. Tell those seven people they’ve been awarded the Honest Scrap award and inform them of these guidelines in receiving the award.

Now for my honest stuff. I’m going to share some things that I’ve never mentioned before in this blog. Are you ready? Really? Are you sure? Err… here we go:

One: I have scoliosis, a medical condition in which a person’s spine is curved from side to side. It makes my hip and shoulder uneven, one side is higher than the other. That’s why I love wearing dresses that doesn’t accentuate my waist and hip area. It’s actually pretty obvious when I stand straight, but I’ve learned to walk and stand in a way so people haven’t really noticed it (or so I thought).

Because of the condition, I had to wear rigid body brace in my teenage year to prevent it from getting worse during my growing year. I was already an unhappy and depressed kid in the first place, so the brace only made it worse by making me feel different and weird.

Another effect of my curved spine is back pain. I have this spot on the right side of my back that is forever in pain, sometimes it feels numb. But as it’s always there, I’ve got pretty used to it.

(picture source: Wikipedia )

Suicide GirlsTwo: Maybe because I’ve already got used to feeling pain, I used to cut myself or bang my head on the wall when upset. Well, that’s not really a good reason actually. Anyway, I have at least one suicide attempt. It was pretty lame and I failed terribly (err, obviously). This is a vector drawing that I made during those darker era. Pretty emo, eh?

Three: This is a picture of me in school days. Isn’t she look sad? It was not a happy time, I was confused and really depressed. I thought I was ugly. I wore thick eyeglasses and my body was wrapped in that rigid body brace that no other kids had ever seen. I also had wire teeth braces on upper and lower teeth (not popular at that time) and had to wear orthodontic headgear at home. Click here if you want to see the thing I’m talking about. And why do those people look so happy in the pictures?

Sometimes I still feel ugly, then I look at my pictures and think that I’m not so ugly. That is why I love taking a lot pictures of myself to remind me. In reality I’m still very quiet and preferred to be alone.

Four: I tend to write a lot when I’m upset, and make stuff when I’m happy. Writing is such a quiet activity. I stay in one corner and everything is happening in my own head. It’s only me and my thoughts. I look only into myself.

But when making stuff like sewing, I have to be all over the place. I’m on my knees on the floor making patterns and cutting fabrics. Then I go to the sewing room, attaching all those pieces. Sometimes they hide under my seat or behind the desk as if they’re playing with me. I’m sitting there surrounded by fabrics, buttons, and trimmings. I look out from myself.

launching06Five: Once upon a time in 2004, I published a novel. Referring to point no.4, you can imagine how unhappy I was at the time. The book got some mixed reviews, it was considered honest, depressing, and pathetic at the same time.

I had a very personal reason for publishing the book, and since it has been accomplished, I have no intention of publishing another novel.

Here’s a picture of the launching event. The pretty lady in black is quite a famous writer in Indonesia. I look so small! (Well, I am small)

Six: Sidra was an unplanned child. I had never wanted to have a child of my own since I didn’t want to raise a kid as depressed and unhappy as I was. But he suddenly came into my life and changed everything. He was such a happy baby, smiling and laughing all the time. I was very, very depressed, a case of untreated post-partum depression, but he was just there, always smiling and laughing and talking to me, snapping me back to reality.

When he got a little bigger, he learned to wipe my tears when I was upset. He’s my little hero.

Mamad & SidraSeven: Sidra is my husband’s stepson. They first met in July 2007. This is a picture of their first meeting.

weightaq9Eight: My weight has stayed the same since highschool, that is 38 kg. I weighed 48 kg when I was 9 month pregnant. This picture was taken in January, 2008, when my weight was dangerously 36 kg.

Nine: I’m an atheist.

008-acaraTen: This is no secret but a very honest thing. I’m happy now and insanely in love with my husband. He’s another hero of my life, maybe I will write about him sometime ^.^

That’s ten! Now, it’s so hard choosing ONLY seven person to nominate! There are so many wonderful person out there! But I finally can make a list of seven here:

  1. Vivat Veritas
  2. Little Sweet Hearts
  3. Oonaballoona
  4. Kiraph
  5. ~Ruffles And Stuff~
  6. TangerineSamurai
  7. Meet me at Mike’s

Thank you for reading! It was kinda hard but also fun! (^.^)d

Filed under life / .

81 Responses to My truly honest scrap

  1. I love that you are so honest! I'm so impressed you published a novel! That's amazing! With all the difficulties you've been dealt, you are such an amazing person. You create such beautiful things and I'm so inspired by you. You were gorgeous as a teenager, and you have a beautiful son and husband. Lovely post.

  2. hai, ive been reading ur blog for quite some time.. and i honestly love it :)

    i also have scoliosis and had to wore braces during my teenager year.. but unlike you they had to operate me since my scoliosis was too severe.. im so happy u share this story because i rarely meet anybody who have the same condition :)


  3. Novita (your name pronounced in spanish sounds nice),
    First of all, thankyou for commenting on my wanna be tunic dress. I´ve noticed you haven´t posted anyhting lately and was wondering… today I read your last post…LOVED it. It´s refreshing to see that I´m not the only one out there. Reality is painful, and beautiful. It´s refreshing to listen to others and remember you´re not alone! You mentioned before that I´m a happy (smiley) person… it´s been one hell of a road, believe me! (I sorta chose the long and winding way, and I mean WINDING).
    Big Hug,
    PS, just in case not enough people have told you this, you´re not pretty, you´re gorgeouse! HOT MAMA kind of gorgeouse! Be happy.

  4. Now I see your beauty is much more than skin deep. And from the way you are able to write about difficult subjects so well, I see you 're a very talented writer as well as crafter!

  5. Novita,

    Thank you for sharing your life's journey. It is honest, heartfelt, and so, so real. I have been a regular reader for the past year and you have never failed to inspire me. Now, you inspire me more and it is with utmost respect.


  6. Perception is such a funny thing.
    I look at your pictures and see this gorgeous girl that feels so incredibly confident. So happy, talented and sure of herself. And I think I should be more like her!
    Novita, you should be more like verypurpleperson! She is amazing, talented, gorgeous, happy and full of confidence in herself!…and she looks alot like you!
    You are fabulous!

  7. Hi Novita –
    I follow your blog avidly, and am blown away by your honesty! I was a bit in awe of how beautiful you always look in the lovely clothes that you create – you have made an ugly duckling into a swan. Well done! And may you always have such wonderful heros in your life.


  8. hi! i've been reading your blog for a few weeks, and wanted to say hello to you, and hello to this post. I too take lots of photos of myself now because I thought I was very ugly as a child (and as a teenager!) and like to remind myself that i'm not anymore. you're stunning! and have great style. i'm glad you're happy now and able to share all your words and work with us.

  9. hey novita! i'm tipping the hat to you. thank you for sharing your story and thoughts. keep on posting, sewing, smiling, enjoying*

  10. hey novita, i'm tipping the hat to you! thank you for sharing your story and thoughts. keep on posting, sewing, laughing, enjoying*

  11. Hi Novita
    I wanted to applaud you for your honesty and bravery and bless you and your family with more happiness, laughter and LOVE. I am such a fan of your works and feel lucky just to know you through your blog :)
    You are a beautiful person and I hope you believe in that each day!

  12. Thank you for sharing more of the story of your life. I am so happy that you have found your true happiness at last. May the coming years bring you only the best.

    I am always delighted to find a new verypurpleperson blog entry. Some days when I have felt sad, your blog has cheered me up.

    A friend in Washington State

  13. I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now and I thought to myself, "what a perfect post to leave a comment on!" This entry was beautiful and so honest I feel privileged to have read such secret things that I don't even know if I could write about online for others to read. I love your work and think you and your family are the cutest family I have ever seen and even though I don't know you (even though I feel like I do somewhat after reading your blog) I just feel like you are an amazing person. Keep sewing! It encourages me in my own sewing adventures! :)

  14. Hooray for happiness, and family! Thank you for sharing your story with us (very eager) readers. I'm so far away (california), but feel lots for your work and yourself; isn't it great to be able to look back with peace? :)

  15. how beautifully, and refreshingly honest. i'm sure many out there identify with your experiences. i know i do. after a very dark period in my life, i came across a quote…

    "the thought of suicide is a powerful solace:by means of it, one gets through many a bad night."

    i'm glad you have found happiness. :)

  16. Novita, thank you so much for the award. I have to make time this weekend to post it. I can't believe how brave and honest have you been by sharing all this personal things with us. thank you. You are an incredible person.

  17. Novita! I feel blessed an incredibly honored being on your award list! I love your blog – surely a must read for me. Thank you so much and bless you!

  18. hi novita! thank you for the award! its so good to know more about you through this. my sister has a scoliosis too… oh, im amazed that you were only 48 kilo when you were pregnant! thats insane… i weight more even im not pregnant..yet!

    you look beautiful in the last photo, im guessing it was a wedding pic?


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