Meet me in Shibuya!

When I first came to Japan, I got to know this really cool site, TokyoMade, an online shop supporting independent Tokyo and Japan-based creators. They have the most brilliant and stylish stuffs I’ve ever seen. Bags and purses, clothes, stationery, arts, all made by Japan-based independent designers.

TokyoMade Market

Every season, TokyoMade held a special event called TokyoMade Market as an offline extension of the shop. I went to the market once and bought some very cute rings there.

So I was very surprised when TokyoMade contacted me! They invited me to join the upcoming market this month that will be held at mememachinegallery in Shibuya. Apparently, the beautiful Chie Duncan of Vivat Veritas will be there too and she was the one who recommended me to TokyoMade. Thank you, Chie!

I’ve never thought that I will see my stuffs in the same place with all those beautiful things. I’m not sure that my stuffs are good enough. Am I good enough? Really? Really? What to do? OH NO, WHAT TO DO? etc. Yeah, so after I calmed down, I gathered all my fabrics and equipments and start making some preparation. Here’s a little peek of what I’ve made so far.

A peek of my preparations

So if you happen to be in Tokyo this month, come meet my stuffs and some other very good things in TokyoMade Market Vol. 3 at mememachinegallery, Shibuya. We’ll be there from December 21-27 this month!

Now will you excuse me, I have to go back to my sewing room. And maybe dance around a little bit.

That's me
TokyoMade Market vol.3
TokyoMade Japan-based Design and Creation (English) (日本語)

13 Responses to Meet me in Shibuya!

  1. Hi, I have a craft blog where I talk about other craft blogs I find interesting and today I made a post about your's. Hope you like it.
    I haven´t met your blog that long ago, but I really like it, and I'm a dedicated reader.

  2. You are SO good enough. Trust me. And I wish I lived in Tokyo so I could visit and access all of your amazing Japanese craft. But alas, I live in Sydney. Congrats!!

  3. This is exciting news. I am so happy for you. I know you will make some beautiful things. You always do. So, of course you are good enough.

  4. Congratulations!!!! I'm such a huge fan of your work. I am actually coming to Tokyo this month…but will only be arriving on 27th eary in the morning :( hope i can still catch a glimpse of you creations.

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