Happy holiday and moving time!

It’s getting nearer to the end of another year,  and this blog has been chronicling my crafting life since almost the last 2 years I’ve been living in Tokyo. It’s time for a little change.

So my name is Novita, and my internet personality name is verypurpleperson, but my blog address is verypurplestuffs, while the title of this blog is sew i do. Pretty messy, isn’t it?

I decided to streamline the whole thing a bit and move this blog to my own domain at http://verypurpleperson.com. I think it’s nice to have a brand new address to begin a new year. The move will be happening in the next few days, some glitch may happen and the blog might be down for sometime (I hope not). All my old posts and comments will be moved too to the new address. The appearance of the blog will still be the same, only the address is changed.

I have to apologize to anyone who has linked to this blogspot address. You don’t have to update the link immediately because once I’ve moved, the blogspot address will redirect any visitor to my new address, so your link will still work. But I will really appreciate if you decide to update it later ^.^

If you’re a follower of this blog, you will still get my blog updates. But if you subscribe from a feed reader, you might want to check later to see whether the feed is for the new address. My feed address is at http://feeds.feedburner.com/verypurpleperson and this feed will still be retained for the new address. If you’ve subscribed to this feed, then you will still get my blog updates.

This year has been a wonderful year for me, and I hope next year will be as wonderful.

♥ ♥ ♥ Have a happy holiday everyone! And see you next year! ♥ ♥ ♥

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