Giveaway winner!

Congratulations! As promised, today I drew the winner for my giveaway. There are more than 300 entries from the linkings, retweets, and facebook fans, and I used this random generator to draw a number.

And the winner is: thelittlegreenhouse who has became a facebook fan! Congratulations for winning my giveaway package! I will also contact the winner by email to ask for shipping address.

My dear husband finished this cute watercolour drawing last night, it depicts three hens, dressed in aprons and boots, marching. As to why and where to they are marching, well, only he knows. Sidra is staying at home today because he has a cold, so he helped me holding the watercolour drawing while I took a picture. Hope you like the drawing!

Thank you very much to everybody who has participated in my giveaway! ^.^

Three hens

Intial sketch the artist at work

9 Responses to Giveaway winner!

  1. Hi there! I got yr link from mybotang and just love yr stuff. U are so very talented. Im kinda new on the blog and still learning. Love yr bags & tunics and EVERTHING else! do dorp by and take a peek at my blog. Wondering, are cotton fabrics very expensive in Japan?

  2. Congrats! You are one lucky lady, to be the only one out of 300 people! This is the biggest entry I have seen on an individual crafter's blog — Your creativity attracts so may people, Novita. Keep up the good work πŸ˜€


    OMG, I am seriously so excited about winning your giveaway! No lie, and I'm totally not blowing smoke, when I say that yours was the giveaway I was THE most hoping I would win. For reals.

    Off to send you an email with my address! And I LOVE the watercolor! That is so going up in my kitchen, where it perfectly fits with my orange and red stuff! Thanks again!!!!

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