Happy birthday Papa!

Today is my husband’s birthday! \(^.^)/

Sidra had been saying that he wanted to learn sewing, so I suggested that he sewed something for Papa’s birthday present. He excitedly agreed, and we went to the nearest fabric store. Sidra picked this loose weaving red and blue fabric, put it on himself and looked into the big mirror. Then he said that he would make a scarf from this fabric. The store attendants seemed amused to see a little boy running here and there choosing his own fabrics.

It was his first time with the sharp fabric scissors and needle, so I was a bit cautious about it. But he hardly found any difficulty with them. He cut the fabric in two and sewed them together to make a long scarf. The he cut some felt scraps randomly and attached them to the fabric with some blue buttons. I showed him the first few steps and helped tying the knots on the threads, and he did the rest himself.

When it was finished, Sidra put it on and looked very proud of himself. I was very proud too! He drew a birthday card and wrapped the present himself. No, mama was not allowed to help. “I can do it! I can do it!”

Sidra gave them to Papa this morning and we ate cheese cake for breakfast. My husband said that the scarf looked really good, the jagged raw edges and the scraps and buttons give it some character. I know it’s mom’s talking, but I think the scarf is adorable too!

Happy birthday Papa! We love you so much!


Sewing a scarf
Handmade scarf!
Happy birthday Papa!
Happy birthday Papa!

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