Birthday Camera Test

My lovely husband gave me this new camera for my birthday present. It’s Panasonic Lumix G1 with two interchangeable lenses, 14-45 mm and 45-200 mm. Yay!

This baby is a digital SLR targeted for female consumers, with the Japanese ad showing some ladies in kimonos holding these cameras easily. So, although it’s bigger than the usual compact digicam, it’s still not as big as the regular SLR.

We went to the nearby park to try out this camera, about 15 minutes bike-riding from home. I’m so very happy with this camera, the result is amazing and it’s relatively easy to operate the camera. Damn smart thing.

I know what I’m gonna do next. I’m gonna make some camera bag and strap for this baby. Double yay!

8 Responses to Birthday Camera Test

  1. Thank you everyone! I’m so happy with the new camera :)

    Office Busy Body, looks like you’re saving for a lot of things 😛
    I really like this Lumix G1, it’s quite small for an SLR, but the results are just as good. I’ve read that it uses some new technology to make small lenses with the same quality as regular lenses. It turned out fine when I tried using it at night without tripod or flash. The camera also has this intelligent auto setting that’s really smart and easy. I ‘ve used Canon SLR in the past and I must say I love this Lumix better. Ordinary SLRs are just enormous compared to my small frame, they make my shoulders hurt :)

    My compact digicam is also a Lumix (used it for those pictures before my birthday), and I think it’s quite good too.

  2. Looks like you had a fun time at the park! Those photos you took with your new camera are very clear and nice.

    I’m saving up to get a digital SLR (along with a new laptop, a pair of handmade boots, a house, a hoilder, etc). Nothing fancy, just an entry level one. How does the lumix feel to use? Right now I only have a Canon Ixus compact digicam, which is great for happy snaps but hopeless in low-light conditions.

  3. Awesome pictures, great park and of course you look chic like always! .. what a lucky girl.. maybe i should suggest to my boyfriend a brand new camera as a xmas present!! haha=)

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