Found in Jinbōchō: Prinz in Hölleland

Sidra went to school yesterday, so my husband and I used our time together to go to Jinbōchō, an area in Tokyo popular for of its used-book stores and antique and curio shopping area. Heaven for book lovers.

I found these wallet-size photos in one bookstore, specialized in fashion, music, and movie related stuffs. Apparently they are from a 1993 German movie, titled “Prince in Hell or Prinz in Hölleland, as stated on the other side of each picture. Of course I have no idea what kind of movie is that, I was just interested with the images. Especially of that shouting (screaming?) woman with hoop earrings.

So what’ll I do with them? Well, I’m not really sure yet. I think they’ll make interesting gift tags.

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